Mystical Magical Number 144
GEMETRIA is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name.
In Hebrew Gemetia, the value for “light” is 144.
Also the value for “time” is 144!
In numerology : 1+4+4= 9
Nine energy represents compassion, tolerance and wisdom.
The Unicorn Stardust line has several necklaces designed with the magical 144 number of beads. Clear quartz crystal, composed of silicon and oxygen, is known as the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom. Some call it the master crystal or universal crystal because of its many uses and benefits. Use for increasing spiritual growth, balancing, healing, meditation, protection and increasing inspiration or creativity.
There are so many interesting important areas that you’ll see the number 144:
6 days of creation: 144 hours
Minutes in a day: 1440
Magical clear quartz combined with the magical number of 144 – wear these to remind you this is the “time” to bring your “light” and join the army of Lightworkers.
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